Monday, September 17, 2012

4 Days Until Ragnar / Food!

Yesterday, I mentioned packing. I was typing while my husband was giving my sons a bath, so I really was rather short about all of it. I have been rolling my clothes and packing them in Ziploc bags since I went to Girl Scout camp as a child. I'm packing each round of clothes in it's own bag and they go in there when I'm done.

So today, I'm going to talk about food. We have a group stash of food for which we each put in $10. I'm bringing my own supplies because, I didn't train on anything they bought. I trained on yogurt, granola bars, eggs, tuna, hummus, and berries. So here is a list of the food I packed for myself.

Hopefully, this with the list of food that we have as a group to share will be enough for me to avoid the fast food traps. I hope that we get to exchange 18 early enough for me to partake of the goodies that the creamery has to offer. I would love to be able to get a cup of fresh yogurt before my second leg.

What would you take with you on a 2 day car trip where you have to run 15 miles or more?

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