I had read something about black beans in brownies last week, so I decided to make my own recipe for them.
Here is what you need
One 15.5oz can of black beans, drained and rinsed (I use the low-sodium ones)
1/4c cocoa powder
3/4c white sugar
3 eggs
3T apple sauce
1t vanilla
1 pinch of salt
Dump all of this in your blender and blend until smooth
Like this.
Pour into a greased 8x8 square and bake at 350F for 30 minutes. The edges will pull away from the side of the pan.
Entertain your 19-month old Milk Dud while baking them.
This is what they looked like done. Cut into 16 pieces and enjoy.
They were pretty good. I think that next time I will put some cinnamon and chili powder in them to make Mexican black bean brownies. The texture is a little different because of the absence of flour. Someone will have to correct me if I'm wrong, but I think these are also gluten-free.
Looks great! Going to try this recipe in the cake pop pans! They look fudgy!